Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crowdfunding Launched on Kickstarter

Hi All,

We've just launched our crowdfunding initiative on Kickstarter with a goal of $19,999 raised over 58 days. We're very excited about crowdfunding and its ability to help independent, small-name artists like ourselves to crack into the larger market. By generating comments on our blog, on our Kickstarter page, our Facebook page, and in the media about our project, our Kickstarter project gradually floats to the top of the search results and lands a spot on the front page - which exposes it to millions of additional potential backers, increasing our ability to reach our funding goal.

We aren't in the business of asking friends to give us money... but if you like our project and would love to see it succeed, why not voice your support in the comments section of our Kickstarter, Facebook, and blog pages? Why not spread the word to family and friends who might also be excited about it? This is the great power of the new age of social media - everyday people like you and Bryce can make an impact on the collective zeitgeist. And if you find our rewards appealing and have some spare means to contribute, that would certainly be a welcome surprise as well.

Here's the link - thanks for reading, and please let us know what you think!


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