Tuesday, March 22, 2011

27 countries, 10 months, 2 filmmakers, and 1 tremendous project

Our Dear Friends,

As a friend of Bryce Lemon's for close to twelve years now, it has been my pleasure to grow up with him, work with him, travel with him, strategize with him, and share friends with him. It gives me great pride to call this tremendous artist my friend. He is a hard-working person of integrity, and I couldn't be prouder to help share his story with you.

In early 2009, Bryce found himself in a precarious position - freshly out of a difficult time in his life, working a job he didn't enjoy, in the midst of changing his worldview, and eager to discover who he was. I had been friends with Bryce for close to ten years at that point, and while I had seen him happy, sad, inquisitive, and ambitious, I had never quite seen him the way he was at that point. He wasn't overwhelmed, he wasn't depressed and he wasn't angry... but he was quite resolute. He finally knew what he wanted, and was ready to do everything in his power to get it.

Although we all saw something coming, it certainly came as a surprise when Bryce announced what he would be doing - selling all of his possessions and traveling around the world. He sold his Honda, his furniture, his kitchen utensils, his gadgets, everything (well, he kept his DVD collection... over 500 movies total; it's quite impressive) - and purchased a Sony V1U HD video camera. With a pair of Round-the-World plane tickets, he and his sister Alyssa departed shortly thereafter on their trip.

Passing through Costa Rica, Peru, France, Greece, Germany, the Czech Republic, Romania, Egypt, Israel, Thailand and many more countries, Bryce and Alyssa rediscovered themselves, finding beauty and happiness. Knowing that it would be impossible to describe all that they'd see, they documented their entire experience on film. Take It With You is the documentary film that has resulted from the tireless work that Bryce and editor Joe Suzuki have done in compiling all of the footage to tell Bryce's and Alyssa's story.

We hope that you'll be as inspired as we are in taking this journey to the completion of this monumental project. With your support and a little bit of word of mouth, we are very excited about the number of people we can inspire, and the lives we can enhance through this work of art. Since this is a grassroots effort, we greatly appreciate all the exposure we can find. If you are moved by this project, please share it with your friends and connections through social media, and link it to your blogs. We look forward to sharing this experience with you.

Your friend,

James Hammons
Producer, Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer

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